Silvano Arieti: Bibliography
1955 - Interpretation of Schizophrenia. First Edition. New York: Brunner. Trad. it.: Interpretazione della schizofrenia. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1963.
1959 1966- American Handbook of Psychiatry (a cura di). New
York: Basic Books. Trad. it.: Manuale di Psichiatria. 3 voll. Torino: Boringhieri, 1969-70, 1976 (2).
1967 - The Intrapsychic Self: Feeling, Cognition and Creativity in Health and Mental Illness. New York: Basic Books. Trad. it.: Il sé intrapsichico. Torino, Boringhieri, 1969, 1979 (2).
1971 - The World Biennial of Psychiatry (a cura di). New York: Basic Books, 1973.
1972 - The Will To Be Human. New York: Quadrangle Books. Trad. it.: Le vicissitudini del volere. Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico, 1978.
1974 1975 - American Handbook of Psychiatry (a cura di). Second
Edition. Interamente rivista ed ampliata. New York: Basic Books.
1974 - Interpretation of Schizophrenia, Second Edition. Interamente rivista ed ampliata. New York: Basic Books. Trad. it.: Interpretazione della schizofrenia. 2 voll. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1978.
1974 - Studi sulla schizofrenia. Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico.
1975 - New Dimensions in Psychiatry. (curato insieme con G. Chrzanowski, 1977). New York: Basic Books.
1975 - Psichiatria e oltre. Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico.
1976 - Creativity: the Magic Synthesis. New York: Basic Books. Trad. it.: Creatività. La sintesi magica. Roma: Il Pensiero Scientifico, 1979, 1990 (2).
1977 - Love Can Be Found (insieme con James A. Arieti). New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
1978 - Severe and Mild Depression: the Psychotherapeutic Approach (insieme con Jules Bemporad). New York: Basic Books. Trad. it.: La depressione grave e lieve. L’orientamento psicoterapeutico. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1981, 1991 (4).
1978 - On Schizophrenia, Phobias, Depression, Psychotherapy, and the Farther Shores of Psychiatry: Selected Papers of Silvano Arieti, New York: Brunner/Mazel.
1979 - The Parnas. New York: Basic Books. Trad. it.: Il Parnàs. Milano: Mondadori, 1980.
1979 - Understanding and Helping the Schizophrenic. New York: Basic Books. Trad. it.: Capire ed aiutare il paziente schizofrenico. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1981.
1981 - Abraham and the Contemporary Mind. New York: Basic Books.
1981 - American Handbook of Psychiatry (a cura di), Volume VII, New York: Basic Books.
1941 - “Histopathological changes in experimental metrazol convulsions in monkeys”. Amer. J. Psychiatry, 98: 70-76.
1942 - “The vascularization of cerebral neoplasms studied with the fuchsin staining method of eros”. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol., 1: 375-393.
1943 - “Frontal lobe tumor expanding into the ventricle - Clinicopathologic report”. Psychiatr. Q., 17: 227-240.
1944 - “An interpretation of the divergent outcome of schizophrenia in identical twins”. Psychiatr. Q., 18: 587-599.
1944 - “Multiple meningioma and meningiomas associated with other brain tumors”. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol., 3: 255-270.
1944 - “The “placing-into-mouth” and coprophagic habits”. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 99: 959-964.
1944 - “Progressive multiform angiosis” (con E. W. Gray). Arch. Neurol. Psychiatry, 51: 182-189.
1945 - “Cerebral changes in the course of pernicious anemia and their relationship to psychic symptoms” (con A. Ferraro e W. H. English). J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neutol., 4: 217-239.
1945 - “General paresis in senility”. Amer. J. Psychiatry, 101: 585-593.
1945 - “Primitive habits and perceptual alterations in the terminal stage of schizophrenia”. Arch. Neurol. Psychiatry, 53: 378-384.
1945 - “Primitive habits in the preterminal stage of schizophrenia”. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 102: 367-375.
1946 - “The effects of sex hormones on the copulatory behavior of senile white rats” (con R. S. Minnick e C. J. Warden). Science, 104: 749-750.
1946 - “Histopathologic changes in cerebral malaria and their relation to psychotic sequels”. Arch. Neurol. Psychiatry, 56: 79-104.
1947 - “The processes of expectation and anticipation”. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 106: 471-481.
1948 - “Special logic of schizophrenic and other types of autistic thought”. Psychiatry, 11: 325-338. Trad. it.: “Logica particolare del pensiero schizofrenico e di altri tipi di pensiero autistico”. In Studi sulla schizofrenia, cit., 1-26.
1950 - “Autistic thought: its formal mechanisms and its relationship to schizophrenia”, J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 3: 288-303.
1950 - “New views on the psychology and psychopathology of wit and of the comic”. Psychiatry, 13: 43-62.
1950 - “Primitive intellectual mechanisms in psychopathological conditions”. Amer. J. Psychother., 4: 4-15.
1952 - “Anti-psychoanalytic cultural forces in the development of western civilization”. Amer. J. Psychother., 7: 63-78. Trad. it.: “Forze culturali anti-psicoanalitiche nello sviluppo della civiltà occidentale”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 153-170.
1954 - “The pineal gland in old age”. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol., 13: 482-491.
1954 - “Some aspects of the psychopathology of schizophrenia”. Amer. J. Psychother., 8: 396-414.
1955 - “Some aspects of language in schizophrenia”. In H. Werner (a cura di), On Expressive Language. Worchester, Mass.: Clark University Press.
1956 - “The possibility of psychosomatic involvement of the central nervous system in schizophrenia”. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 123: 324-333.
1956 - “Some basic problems common to anthropology and modern psychiatry”. Amer. Anthropol., 58: 26-39.
1957 - “The double methodology in the study of personality and its disorders”. Amer. J. Psychother., 11: 532-547.
1957 - “The triple aspect of psychopathology of schizophrenia”. In Congress Report of the 2nd International Congress for Psychiatry, Zurich. pp. 209-213.
1957 - “The two aspects of schizophrenia”. Psychiatr. Q., 31: 403-416.
1957 - “What is effective in the therapeutic process?”. Amer. J. Psychoanal., 17: 30-33.
1959 - “Manic-depressive psychosis”. In American Handbook of Psychiatry, cit. Trad. it.: “La psicosi maniaco-depressiva”. In Manuale di Psichiatria, cit., vol.1: 583-620.
1959 - “Rare, unclassifiable, collective, and exotic psychotic syndromes” (con J. M. Meth). In American Handbook of Psychiatry, cit. Trad. it.: “Sindromi psicotiche rare, non classificabili, collettive ed esotiche”. In Manuale di Psichiatria, cit., vol.1: 749-768.
1959 - “Schizophrenia: the manifest symptomatology, the psychodynamic and formal mechanisms”. In American Handbook of Psychiatry, cit. Trad. it.: “La schizofrenia: sintomatologia, psicodinamica e meccanismi formali”. In Manuale di Psichiatria, cit., vol.1: 621-651.
1959 - “Schizophrenia: other aspects; psychotherapy”. In American Handbook of Psychiatry, cit. Trad. it.: “La schizofrenia: altri aspetti; psicoterapia”. In Manuale di Psichiatria, cit., vol.1: 652-675.
1959 - “Schizophrenic thought”. Amer. J. Psychother., 13: 537-552.
1959 - “Some socio-cultural aspects of manic-depressive psychosis and schizophrenia”. Progr. Psychother., 4: 140-152.
1960 - “Aspects of psychoanalytically oriented treatment of schizophrenia”. In The Out-patient Treatment of Schizophrenia, New York: Grune & Stratton.
1960 - “Etiological considerations of schizophrenia”. In The Out-patient Treatment …, cit.
1960 - “The experience of inner status”. In Perspectives in Psychological Theory, New York: International University Press.
1960 - “Recent conceptions and misconceptions of schizophrenia”. Amer. J. Psychother., 14: 3-29.
1960 - “Schizophrenia”. In Encyclopaedia Britannica.
1961 - “Introductory notes on the psychoanalytic therapy of schizophrenics”. In Psychotherapy of the Psychoses. New York: Basic Books.
1961 - “The loss of reality”. Psychoanal. Rev., 48: 3-23. Trad. it.: “La perdita del senso della realtà”. In Studi sulla schizofrenia, cit., 42-65.
1961 - “A re-examination of the phobic symptom and of symbolism in psychopathology”. Amer. J. Psychiatry, 118: 106-110. Trad. it.: “Riesame del sintomo fobico e del simbolismo in psicopatologia”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 19-27.
1961 - “Volition and value: a study based on catatonic schizophrenia”. Compr. Psychiatry, 2: 74-82. Trad. it.: “Volizione e valore: studio sulla schizofrenia catatonica”. In Studi sulla schizofrenia, cit., 27-41.
1962 - “Hallucinations, delusions, and ideas of reference treated with psychotherapy”. Amer. J. Psychother., 16: 52-60. Trad. it.: “Allucinazioni, deliri e idee di riferimento trattati con la psicoterapia”. In Studi sulla schizofrenia, cit., 66-77.
1962 - “The microgeny of thought and perception”. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry, 6: 454-468. Trad. it.: “La microgenesi del pensiero e della percezione”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 58-83.
1962 - “Psicodinamica e psicoterapia delle psicosi schizofreniche”. I e II parte. In Problemi di psicoterapia, Atti del I Corso di aggiornamento a cura del “Gruppo milanese per lo sviluppo della psicoterapia”, 11-14 dicembre 1962. Milano: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, pp.18-68.
1962 - “The psychotherapeutic approach to depression”. Amer. J. Psychother., 16: 397-406. Trad. it.: “L’approccio psicoterapeutico alla depressione”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 28-39.
1962 - “Psychotherapy of schizophrenia”. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry, 6: 112-122. Trad. it.: “Psicoterapia della schizofrenia: alcuni aspetti teorici e pratici”. In Studi sulla schizofrenia, cit., 78-96.
1963 - “Psychopathic personality: some views on its psychopathology and psychodynamics”. Compr. Psychiatry, 4: 301-312. Trad. it.: “La personalità psicopatica: punti di vista sulla sua psicopatologia e psicodinamica”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 39-57.
1963 - “The psychotherapy of schizophrenia in theory and practice”. In Psychiatric Research Report, American Psychiatric Association, 17.
1963 - “Studies of thought processes in contemporary psychiatry”. Amer. J. Psychiatry, 120: 58-64.
1964 - “The rise of creativity: from primary to tertiary process”. Contemp. Psychoanal., 1: 51-68. Trad. it.: “L’ascesa della creatività: dal processo primario al processo terziario”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 171-191.
1964 - “The schizophrenic patient in office treatment”. In Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia, 3rd International Symposium, Lausanne. Basilea/New York: Karger Ed., pp. 17-23. Trad. it.: “Il paziente schizofrenico in trattamento ambulatoriale”. In Studi sulla schizofrenia, cit., 97-115.
1965 - “Conceptual and cognitive psychiatry”. Amer. J. Psychiatry, 122: 361-366. Trad. it.: “Psichiatria concettuale e conoscitiva”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 108-118.
1965 - “Contributions to cognition from psychoanalytic theory”. In J. Masserman (a cura di), Science and Psychoanalysis, Vol. III. New York: Grune & Stratton. Trad. it.: “Contributi della teoria psicoanalitica alla cognizione”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 84-107.
1966 - “Creativity and its cultivation”. In American Handbook of Psychiatry, cit. Trad. it.: “La creatività e suo potenziamento. Relazioni con la psicopatologia e l’igiene mentale”. In Manuale di Psichiatria, cit., vol.3: 2212-2233.
1966 - “Emphasis on the healthy aspects of the patient during psychoanalytic therapy”. Amer. J. Psychoanal., 26: 198-200.
1966 - “The psychoanalytic approach to the psychoses”. Amer. J. Psychoanal., 26: 63-65.
1966 - “Schizophrenic cognition”. In Psychopathology of Schizophrenia, New York: Grune & Stratton.
1966 - “Transferencia e contratransferencia no tratamento do paciente esquizofrenico”. J. Brasil. Psiquiatria, 15: 163-174.
1967 - “New views on the psychodynamics of schizophrenia”. Amer. J. Psychiatry, 124: 453-458.
1967 - “Il processo secondario nella psicodinamica della schizofrenia”. Archiv. Psicol. Neurol. Psichiatria, 3-4: 255-269.
1967 - “Rapida rassegna degli studi del pensiero schizofrenico da Bleuler ai giorni nostri”. Archiv. Psicol. Neurol. Psichiatria, 3-4: 237-254.
1967 - “Some elements of cognitive psychiatry”. Amer. J. Psychother., 21: 723-736.
1968 - “The creative process, as interpreted by a psychiatrist”. J. Study Consciousness, 1: 3-15.
1968 - “Depressive disorders”. In International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. New York: The Macmillan Company and The Free Press.
1968 - “The present status of psychiatric theory”. Amer. J. Psychiatry, 124: 1630-1639. Trad. it.: “L’attuale stato della teoria psichiatrica”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 1-18.
1968 - “The psychodynamics of schizophrenia: a reconsideration”. Amer. J. Psychother., 22: 366-381.
1968 - “Some memories and personal views”. Contemp. Psychoanal., 5: 85-89. Trad. it.: “Alcuni ricordi e punti di vista personali”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 228-231.
1969 - “Current ideas on the problem of psychosis”. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series n. 194, “Problems of Psychosis”, International Colloquium on Psychosis, Montreal, November, pp. 3-21.
1969 - “The meeting of the inner and the external world: in schizophrenia, everyday life and creativity”. Amer. J. Psychoanal., 29: 115-130. Trad. it.: “L’incontro fra il mondo interiore ed il mondo esterno nella schizofrenia, nella vita quotidiana e nella creatività”. In Studi sulla schizofrenia, cit., 153-178.
1969 - “Toward a unifying theory of cognition”. In D. Gray e Rizzo (a cura di) General Systems Theory and Psychiatry. New York: Little Brown and Co.
1970 - “Cognition and feeling”. In Feelings and Emotions. New York: Academic Press.
1970 - “The concept of schizophrenia”. In R. Cancro (a cura di), The Schizophrenic Reactions. A Critique of the Concept, Hospital Treatment, and Current Research. New York: Brunner-Mazel.
1970 - “The role of cognition in the development of inner reality”. In J. Hellmuth (a cura di), Cognitive Studies, Vol. 1. New York: Brunner–Mazel.
1970 - “The structural and psychodynamic role of cognition in the human psyche”. In S. Arieti (a cura di), The World Biennial of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. New York: Basic Books. Trad. it.: “Il ruolo strutturale e psicodinamico della cognizione nella psiche umana”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 119-152.
1971 - “The origins and development of the psychopathology of schizophrenia”. In M. Bleuler e J.Angst (a cura di), Die Entstehung der Schizophrenie (The Origin of Schizophrenia). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
1971 - “Psychodynamic search of common values with the schizophrenic”. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series No. 259. “Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia”, Proceedings of the IVth International Symposium, Turku, Finland.
1972 - “Causality, awareness, and psychological events”. In Festschrift for Ludwig von Bertalanffy, London.
1972 - “The origin and effect of power”. In J. H. Masserman (a cura di), Science and Psychoanalysis, Vol. XX: The Dynamics of Power. New York: Grune & Stratton.
1972 - “The therapeutic assistant in treating the psychotic”, (con S. Loraine). Int. J. Psychiatry, 10: 7-22.
1972 - “The two kinds of irrationality: their sources and interrelations”. In Recent Developments in Psychoanalysis - Theory and Practice, Vol. V: “The Irrational in Psychoanalysis: Theoretical and Clinical Aspects”. Papers presentati al IVth International Forum of Psychoanalysis, New York.
1973 - “Anxiety and beyond in schizophrenia and psychotic depression”. Amer. J. Psychother., VII: 338-345. Trad. it.: “L’ansia ed oltre nella schizofrenia e nella depressione psicotica”. In Studi sulla schizofrenia, cit., 179-189.
1973 - “Aspetti teorici generali della psicoterapia”. In P.F. Galli (a cura di), Psicoterapia e scienze umane, Atti dell’VIII Congresso Internazionale di Psicoterapia. Milano: Feltrinelli, pp. 325-328, 339, 344.
1973 - “Critical evaluations: Concepts of schizophrenia. I. An abnormal way of dealing with an abnormal situation”. Can. Psychiatr. Assoc. J., 18: 253-256.
1973 - “Schizophrenic art and its relationship to modern art”. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal.. 1: 333-365.
1973 - “Volition and value: A study based on catatonic schizophrenia”. In S. C. Post (a cura di), Moral Values and the Superego Concept in Psychoanalysis. New York: International Universities Press.
1974 - “Acting out and unusual behavior in schizophrenia”. Amer. J. Psychother., 28: 333-342.
1974 - “Affective disorders. Manic-depressive psychosis and psychotic depression. Manifest symptomatology, psychodynamics, sociological factors, and psychotherapy”. In American Handbook of Psychiatry, Vol. III, cit.
1974 - “Ancora sulla psicoterapia della schizofrenia”. In Studi sulla schizofrenia, cit., 190-208.
1974 - “The cognitive-volitional school”. In S. Arieti (a cura di), American Handbook of Psychiatry, Vol. I, cit.
1974 - “Individual psychotherapy of schizophrenia”. In American Handbook of Psychiatry, Vol. III, cit.
1974 - “The mother and father of the schizophrenic: a reconsideration”. In Recent Developments in Psychoanalysis - Theory and Practice, Vol. VI: “The Individual, the Family, and Society in the Tension between Freedom and Coercion”. Papers presentati al Vth International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Zurich.
1974 - “An overview of schizophrenia from a predominantly psychological approach”. Amer. J. Psychiatry, 131: 241-249.
1974 - “Psychosis”. In Encyclopaedia Britannica.
1974 - “Rare, unclassifiable and collective psychiatric syndromes” (con J. R. Bemporad). In American Handbook of Psychiatry, Vol. III, cit.
1974 - “Schizophrenia: The psychodynamic mechanisms and the psychostructural forms”. In American Handbook of Psychiatry, Vol. III, cit.
1975 - “Giambattista Vico e la psichiatria moderna”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 192-207. Trad. ingl., 1976: “Vico and modern psychiatry”. Social Research, 43: 739-752.
1975 - “Psychiatric controversy: Man’s ethical dimension”. Amer. J. Psychiatry, 132: 39-42.
1975 - “La schizofrenia e l’approccio psicoterapeutico”. Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria e Medicina Legale delle Alienazioni Mentali, Istituti Ospedalieri Neuropsichiatrici S.Lazzaro, Vol. 1C, Fasc. VI.
1975 - “Sexual problems of the schizophrenic and preschizophrenics”. In M. Snadler e G.L. Gessa (a cura di), Sexual Behavior: Pharmacology and Biochemistry. New York: Raven Press.
1975 - “Il significato della pazzia: da Amleto alla schizofrenia”. In Psichiatria e oltre, cit., 208-227.
1976 - “Psychoanalysis of severe depression: theory and therapy”. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 4: 327-345.
1976 - “The psychotherapeutic approach to schizophrenia”. In S. Kemali, G. Bartholini, D. Richter (a cura di), Schizophrenia Today. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
1976 - “Psychotherapy of schizophrenia”. In L.J. West e D.E. Flinn (a cura di), Treatment of Schizophrenia: Progress and Prospects. New York: Grune & Stratton.
1977 - “Cognitive components in human conflict and unconscious motivation”. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 5: 4-16.
1977 - “Mild paranoia”. In L'Evolution Psychiatrique, Vol. XLII. Toulouse: Editions Privat.
1977 - “Parents of the schizophrenic patient: a reconsideration”. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 5: 347-358.
1977 - “Psychotherapy of severe depression”. Amer. J. Psychiatry, 134: 864-868.
1978 - “A psychotherapeutic approach to severely depressed patients”. Amer. J. Psychother., 32: 33-47.
1979 - “From schizophrenia to creativity”. Amer. J. Psychother., 33: 490-505.
1979 - “New views on the psychodynamics of phobias”. Amer. J. Psychother., 33: 82-95.
1980 - “Cognition in psychoanalysis”. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 8: 3-23.
1980 - “Man’s spirituality and potential for creativity as revealed in mental illness”. Compr. Psychiatry, 21: 436-443.
1980 – “Psicanalisi: il movimento psicanalitico”. Enciclopedia del ’900. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. Vol. V, pp. 734-747.
1980 - “Psychological organization of depression” (con Jules R. Bemporad). Amer. J. Psychiatry, 137: 1360-1365.
1981 - “Multiple murders of a schizophrenic patient: a psychodynamic interpretation” (con F. R. Schreiber). J. Amer. Acad Psychoanal, 9: 501-524.
1981 - “Presentation” del “Frieda Fromm-Reichmann Award” ad Alberta Szalita. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 9: 7-9.
1981 - “Presidential Address: psychoanalytic therapy in a cultural climate of pessimism”. J. Amer. Acad. Psychoanal., 9: 171-184.
1982 - “Depression”. In Health and Medical Horizons. New York: Macmillan.